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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Second Day

From Sara: Today was HOT. We got a quick lunch at Termini and then watched about nine different couples take their wedding photos taken at the coloseo.

We met up with Eugene today, my favorite tour guide! He was just as great as I remembered too. We followed him around Palentino Hill and the Imperial Palace, then we toured the Forum on our own. It was so cool to do that with John, he knew a lot of details and was so passionate about it that it was contagious. The picture included is of us in front of the Temple of Antoninus & Faustina in the Forum. We had a snack on the steps of the Curea (the senate house built in BC
times). Then we met two Swedish guys, Ola and Matthius and chatted for 45 min or so under the Arch of Septimius Severus.

We then enjoyed a leisurely dinner of fried zucchini flower and gnocchi in Piazza Spagna.

We are now relaxing at Fabio's watching Italian news and sipping Limoncello. Tomorrow will be a day of museums. I may do more people watching than art watching... ;)

John's quote of the day ''As great as it was so see history I was excited to meet Eugene because it's nice to see someone else so passionate about the art and the history.''


Mini Mama said...

Thanks for calling today. Mmmm...limoncello...sounds like a drink made for me! I love that you have networked a place to stay in Sweden, too.

The DAD said...

Okay, so I am enjoying both of your updates. It sounds as though you both are having quite an experience. Tell Fabio hello for me! Have you taken a picture of Eugene?
Take care of one another and keep the updates coming.